Getting Started

Welcome to Vessel! Take the following steps to get started:

1. Request Vessel Account Setup

Ask your account manager to grant you access to Vessel in the AppLovin dashboard.

2. Create an Ethereum Studio Wallet

Use Metamask or another ERC-20 wallet company to create an Ethereum-based wallet. Once you have created your wallet, let your Vessel account manager know the wallet address. Your wallet will be connected to the account and used to make API calls and receive royalties from transactions.

You can grant access to additional wallets and modify permissions through the Account Management section of our Vessel Dashboard.

3. Create a New Game

Once you have access to Vessel, login into the Staging Dashboard and click ADD GAME to begin adding your game to Vessel.

Here's a breakdown of the required information on the Create New Game form:


App ID

Enter a game name. Vessel uses this name to query the Game API for a list of tokens that belong to a game or a user.

Display Name

Enter a user-friendly game name to be displayed on the marketplace.


Enter a short, user-friendly description of the game to be displayed on the marketplace.


Upload a 200x200 pixel game icon to be displayed on the marketplace.

Background Image

Upload an 800x300 pixel image to be displayed as a background on the marketplace.


Enter the wallet address of the game owner.

App Info

Important: You need to add the correct package name of your app to connect the Vessel wallet.

Important: Using the same wallet address both for Royalty Wallet (Studio Wallet) and game owner wallet is not recommended for security reasons.

4. Create a New Token Collection Template

Click the name of your newly created game, then click + ADD COLLECTION TEMPLATE in the COLLECTION TEMPLATES tab to begin the process of creating a new token collection template:

The following table explains the fields you need to enter on the Create collection template form:


Collection ID

Enter a qualified collection name. Vessel uses this name to query the Game API for a list of tokens that belong to this collection.

Display Name

Enter a user-friendly name of the collection, to be displayed on the marketplace.


Enter a short, user-friendly description of the collection, to be displayed on the marketplace.


Upload a 500x500 pixel icon representing the collection, to be displayed on the marketplace.

5. Deploy a Token Collection

Deploy your newly created token collection template to the blockchain by clicking DEPLOY.

You can see your newly deployed collection in the DEPLOYED COLLECTIONS tab. It may take a few seconds after you click DEPLOY before the collection appears in this tab.

You can also create and deploy a token collection by making an API POST request:

6. Create a New Token Template

A token template governs how to mint tokens for the users of your game. To begin the process of creating a new token template, you need to do the following: 1. Click the FQCN (Fully Qualified Collection Name) of the newly created collection in the DEPLOYED COLLECTIONS list.

2. Once you're in the Deployed Collections section, click on CREATE TOKEN TEMPLATE.

Here's a breakdown of the required information on the Create Token Template form:


Token ID

Enter a qualified token name. This name must uniquely identify the token variety in the collection. Vessel uses this name to instruct the Game API to mint new tokens for your users.

Display Name

Enter a user-friendly name for the token, to be displayed on the marketplace


Enter a short, user-friendly description of the game to be displayed on the marketplace


Upload a 500x500 pixel icon representing this type of token, to be displayed on the marketplace.

Permanent properties

Fill in the fields here to describe any non-mutable token properties. Click × to remove a property entirely, or ADD PROPERTY to add additional property.

Mutable properties

Fill in the fields here to describe any mutable token properties. Click × to remove a property entirely, or ADD PROPERTY to add additional property.

7. Deploy Your Token Template

To deploy your newly created token template to the blockchain, first click DEPLOY under Actions. Then, in the Deploy tokens pop-up that appears, enter an amount, and then finalize your amount by clicking DEPLOY.

You can see your deployed token template in the DEPLOYED TOKENS tab. It may take a few seconds after you click DEPLOY before your template appears in this tab.

You can also create and deploy a token template by making an API POST request:

8. Mint a Token for a User

Make a POST request to the Mint API to mint a new token into any wallet on the Vessel blockchain:

Here’s a sample request:

curl -X "POST" "" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
     -H 'X-Auth-Key: <YOUR WALLET PRIVATE KEY>' \
     -d $'{
  "amount": 1

You can also clone a token (create a new token based on an existing one) by making a POST request to the Clone API:

9. Query a User’s Tokens

Make a GET request to the User Token List API to query all tokens that belong to a user:

Here’s a sample request:

curl "<TARGET USER WALLET ADDRESS>/tokens/com.teststudio.gamename/" \
     -H 'Content-Type: application/json'

10. Integrate the SDK to Connect Your Game

Follow the SDK Integration guide to connect your game to your Vessel Wallet and to retrieve wallet addresses for your users:


Vessel also has a demo Unity project which you can check out.

Last updated