Staging Environment

Test your changes in a full-featured environment before releasing them

Vessel provides a staging environment in which you can test changes before you promote them to production.

This staging environment contains the same functionality as the production environment.

Selecting the Staging Environment in Vessel Wallet

First log out of your current Vessel Wallet session: Click Profile (in the lower right). In the profile page, click the settings gear (in the upper right). Scroll down to the bottom and click Logout.

Next, click and hold the Vessel logo for five seconds until the environment selector pops up. Select the STAGING environment and click Done. See the animation of this process below:

Selecting the Staging Environment in the Embedded SDK

To point Vessel SDK to the staging environment, use the code below:

OVSdk.Sdk.Environment = VesselEnvironment.Staging;                        

Remember to remove this snippet of code when you deploy your code changes to production.

The Staging Dashboard and Application Backend

Use the staging dashboard at to manage your games and tokens in the staging environment.

Send backend requests to the staging API server at

Add Balance to the Wallet on Staging

Last updated